How Teachers and Teacher Aides Work Together to Support Students with Autism

Effective collaboration between teachers, teacher aides, and other professionals is crucial. Ros Sullivan and Laura Newman discuss a team approach used at The Sycamore School that involves communication and coordination among all stakeholders                                                                    to create a supportive learning environment for students with autism. 

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Strategies to Support Students with English as an Additional Language or Dialect

Learn about the characteristics of EALD students and their levels of English proficiency.

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Supporting Students with AD/HD

Learn 7 things you can do to help kids with AD/HD.

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Modifying Assessments for Students with Disability and Additional Needs

Learn how to assist with modification of assessments for students with disability and additional needs

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Strategies to Support Students with Intellectual Disability

Learn about strategies all staff can use to help students with Intellectual disability to develop self-sufficiency.

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Building School Capability to Support Students with Hearing Loss

Learn how to use this activity to reduce the impact of hearing loss in students. 

                                                                  Watch Preview >>

Assistive Technology for Students with Disability

Learn how to use assistive technologies to effectively support learning for students with disabilities and additional needs.

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More Assistive Technology for Students with Disability

Learn how to use more assistive technologies to effectively support learning for students with disabilities and additional needs.

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Understanding Learning Difficulties

Learn about learning difficulties and learning disabilities, and the key characteristics of dyslexia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia.
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