Use our frequently asked questions to help you find your way around the Australian Teacher Aide website and to learn more about our professional development for teacher aides, schools and training organisations.

Professional Development

Does ATA professional development align with the Australian Curriculum and use evidence based practices?

Yes! Our professional development is based on the Australian Curriculum and evidence based teaching and learning practices.

Live Web Events

How do I register for a live webinar event?

Webinar event registration is a quick 2-step process.  Both Step 1 and Step 2 must be completed to successfully join the live webinar.

Follow the steps below or view the video tutorial.

Complete both steps below to receive your unique webinar ‘join’ link, and be eligible for 1 CPD point and a Certificate of Completion following attendance at the event.

Step 1 

1.     Select Member Login (top right hand corner) and log in to your account

2.     Select Events (from the green main menu at the top of the Home page)

3.     Choose the event you want to register for and double click on the title to bring up the registration process

4.     Select Register and follow the prompts

5.     Go to Cart (top menu) to 'check out' and 'place order' to finalise Step 1.

Step 2 

1.     Go to your inbox and open the email from ATA. (If you cannot find this email, please check your 'junk' mail)

2.     Click on the link in the email 

3.     Enter your name and email address when prompted

4.     Check your inbox for your webinar ‘join’ link

5.     Use this link to join our webinar on the relevant day. (We will usually send you a reminder email with this link, one day and one hour prior to the webinar).

All events that you register for will show in My Portal – My Content - Events.

Any associated event resources, such as worksheets, will be uploaded prior to the event to My Portal – My Content – Event Resources. We recommend you check your portal prior to attending each webinar for any associated resources.

How many live events / webinars do you present over 12 months?

We present one live web event every month from February through to November. 

Are the live web events recorded?

Yes, all our webinars are recorded and uploaded to the Professional Development library where they are accessible to members at any time.

We want to join a live web event from school. How do we do this?

We use Go To Webinar to deliver all our live web events. Go To Webinar is used world-wide and is considered one of the best quality systems for hosting online events. There is a possibility your school network will block this application. To ensure you can register and attend our live webinars from school, check the approval process with your Principal or IT team, and allow sufficient time for the webinar application to be made available on the school network.

Alternatively, if you have a personal device with data, you could use that too.

Working as a Teacher Aide

How do I become a teacher aide?

For information or tips on becoming a teacher aide please view this page : Becoming a Teacher Aide

What do I need to do to move to the next pay level?

Australian Teacher Aide is predominantly a professional learning organisation. However, we have created a page to help with some of the more frequently asked questions outside of our scope. We have workplace information, including links to certified agreements for most states and territories, which address pay levels and progression requirements. You can access this information on the page, Workplace Information.

What qualifications do I need to work as a teacher aide?

Currently there are no mandated qualifications required to become a teacher aide in Australia. If you are planning on doing further study, the relevant qualifications are Certificate III and Certificate IV in Education Support. You can find out more about the Education Support Qualifications on our website.