Congratulations to all the Highly Commended nominees in this year's Australian Teacher Aide of the Year Awards.
We hope you enjoy reading about the amazing and diverse work of these teacher aides, and their outstanding contribution to students, teachers and their school communities.
Thank you to the many schools that submitted a nomination, and made time to recognise the work of their teacher aides.
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Highly Commended
Andrea Beard
Gold Creek School, ACT
Nominated by: Rebecca Duncan, Disability Education Coordinator
Andrea Beard, a Learning Support Assistant at Gold Creek School, has been Highly Commended for her positive impact on student learning and wellbeing and her outstanding ability to support students with disability integrate into the mainstream high school environment.
Andrea supports students with disabilities and helps to integrate them into the mainstream high school environment, and is held in high regard by the school, parents and community. She works in partnership with teachers to make adjustments to the curriculum and is recognised for her outstanding ability to support learning. She communicates with teachers and colleagues to ensure the students are well catered for, accepted and included. Andrea’s work with the Small Group Program and Integrated Support Students has resulted in significant academic and social improvements for students.

Highly Commended
Carol Giles
Claremont College, NSW
Nominated by: Hannah Davis & Renee De Rossi, Year 4 Teacher and Head of Learning Enrichment
Carol Giles, a Teacher Aide at Claremont College, has been Highly Commended for her positive impact on student learning and wellbeing, and significant contribution to the development of a positive culture.
Carol has worked with students and teachers from Kindergarten to Year 6, over 25 years. Her key roles have been to support literacy and numeracy interventions, provide support for students with disabilities, perform administrative tasks for teaching teams, and collaborate with teaching teams to co-plan, co-instruct, and co-evaluate. Students have significantly improved in their reading skills, as a result of Carol’s delivery of literacy intervention. The Principal described Carol as “the heart and soul of the school, and integral to the development of Claremont’s positive culture over time”.

Highly Commended
Margie Farrell
Burnett State College, QLD
Nominated by: Endayha Conard-Rohayem & Megan Ostwald, Teachers
Margie Farrell, a Teacher Aide at Burnett State College, has been Highly Commended for her positive impact on student learning and wellbeing during her 32 years of outstanding service to the school community.
Margie began her 32-year career at Burnett State College in 1990 and is a highly valued member of the College and community, and is trusted and admired by staff. She manages the tutorial room, where she organises, runs and supervises a classroom space for students of all year and ability levels. Margie also coordinates the distance education subjects, and spearheads the Year 7 and 8 literacy intervention program for students with severe disabilities and complex trauma. Margie has had a significant impact on students’ fundamental literacy skills and academic development.

Highly Commended
Alice Halls
Northview State School, QLD
Nominated by: Anna Duncan and Bev Muir-Payne, Principal Advisors Auslan
Alice Halls, a Teacher Aide Educational Interpreter (TA EI) at Northview State School, has been Highly Commended for her positive impact on student learning and wellbeing and her dedication to supporting deaf and hard of hearing students.
Alice has worked in schools throughout the Central Queensland region as a Teacher Aide Educational Interpreter (TA EI) for the past 5 years, delivering a targeted program for deaf students as well as contributing to wellbeing programs. In her role, Alice ensures students who require the use of Auslan (Australian Sign Language) have access to the curriculum, and facilitates communication in the school environment. Alice is dedicated to supporting deaf and hard of hearing students, ensuring they are included in all aspects of the school day.

Highly Commended
Cheree Foot
Pimlico State High School, QLD
Nominated by: Patricia Jorgensen, Head of Senior Schooling
Cheree Foot, a Senior Schooling Support Officer at Pimlico State High School, has been Highly Commended for her positive impact on student learning and wellbeing and for supporting successful transitions from school into future pathways.
Cheree organises work experience for Year 10, 11 and 12 students, and works in partnership with employers to match students with host employers. Cheree works with teachers to identify students’ strengths and limitations so that appropriate matches are made. She organises mock job interviews, career expos for National Careers Week, and attends school-based traineeship /apprenticeship sign ups. Cheree is dedicated to ensuring that students have access to a variety of activities that supports their career education and successful transition from school into future pathways.

Highly Commended
Debbie Cartwright
Queensland Pathways State College, QLD
Nominated by: Kylie Spann, Head of Department - Inner City Campus
Debbie Cartwright, Teacher Aide at Queensland Pathways State College (QPSC), has been Highly Commended for her positive impact on student learning and wellbeing and for supporting young people to obtain their Queensland Certificate of Education.
Deb supports young people who find it difficult to engage in a mainstream school obtain their Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) and move on to successful pathways post transition. She provides student engagement, attendance and wellbeing support, VET curriculum support, literacy and numeracy support and improved school access for First Nations students and students with disability. Deb is dedicated to helping young people achieve successful outcomes, and in 2021 she contributed to 90% of students from the Inner City Campus graduating with their Queensland Certificate of Education.

Highly Commended
Clare da Silva
Springfield Lakes State School, QLD
Nominated by: Hayden Bridgeman, Year 5 Level Leader / Classroom Teacher
Clare da Silva, a Senior Schooling Support Officer at Springfield Lakes State School, has been Highly Commended for her positive impact on student learning and wellbeing and for supporting classroom teachers to deliver the Year 5 Australian Curriculum.
Clare works with students across the year 5 cohort. She collaborates with the classroom teachers to assist in the delivery of the Year 5 Australian Curriculum. Clare delivers explicit curriculum content, facilitates small group tasks, one-to-one learning opportunities, year level excursions, and inter school sports. She recognises the importance of intentional collaborative practices in her interactions with students, teachers and colleagues, and assists in the sharing of pedagogical practices and tools. Clare demonstrates professionalism, knowledge of the curriculum, outstanding relational skills and a passion for helping students succeed.

Highly Commended
Kerri-Anne Noack
Tagai State College, Poruma Campus, QLD
Nominated by: Tim Mckee, Head of Campus
Kerri-Anne Noack, a Teacher Aide at Tagai State College, Poruma Campus, has been Highly Commended for her positive impact on student learning and wellbeing and for being the driving force behind reviving the Kulkalgal language.
Kerri-Anne performs many key roles across the College. She plans and delivers the Language and Culture program, and is the driving force behind reviving the Kulkalgal language, a critical part of the College’s curriculum. Kerri-Anne also delivers daily maths and literacy intervention, assists in the delivery of HPE, and is the College’s Student Welfare Officer, connecting school, staff, students and the community. This year, Kerri-Anne introduced the Poruma Campus walking bus, and goes into community each morning to pick up students. This has contributed to a 94% attendance rate.

Highly Commended
Tanya Hagan
Western Suburbs State Special School, QLD
Nominated by: Dilini Jayamanne, Teacher
Tanya Hagan, a Teacher Aide at Western Suburbs State Special School, has been Highly Commended for her positive impact on student learning and wellbeing, and for her work with high support needs students and her contribution towards building an inclusive school community.
Tanya works with high support needs students from Year 6 to Year 12. Her key role is to provide support in literacy, numeracy and unit program/transition activities, and assist students with disabilities with personal development and self-care. She uses individual student communications systems to engage students and facilitate learning, and explicitly models expected learning behaviours and encourages students to purposefully engage in their learning. Tanya also shares her knowledge of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and culture to help build an inclusive school community.

Highly Commended
Caren Gscheidle
Wondai State School P-9, QLD
Nominated by: Libby Edwards, A/HOD-C
Caren Gscheidle, a Teacher Aide at Wondai State School, has been Highly Commended for her positive impact on student learning and wellbeing and for her skills in delivering targeted literacy intervention.
Caren began her career at Wondai State School in 1997, and has worked across Prep to Year 10. She is skilled at working with teens with complex backgrounds, and works with the Junior Secondary department to provide literacy intervention and identify students requiring extra support. Caren is working with the English teachers to develop intervention using a structured synthetic phonics approach. Caren is also the go-to person for anything sports related, and along with Primary and Secondary HPE teachers, she plans and implements carnivals and sporting events.

Highly Commended
Tannis Broxham
Woodstock State School, QLD
Nominated by: Gayle Stockham & Linda Blakoe, Small School Business Manager and Principal
Tannis Broxham, a Teacher Aide at Woodstock State School, has been Highly Commended for her positive impact on student learning and wellbeing, in particular, her collaborative work to improve literacy outcomes.
Tannis has worked with students from Prep to Year 6 for more than thirteen years. She currently works in partnership with the P-2 classroom teacher and the teaching principal to improve the literacy program, and as a result all students are at year level or above. Tannis has made positive impact on the daily operations of the school, and has shown exemplary leadership, taking on many projects such as managing the Library, the annual Book Fair, and organising the Athletic Carnival and Under 8’s Day.

Highly Commended
Andrea Bishop
Northern Christian School, TAS
Nominated by: Kerrie Prentice, Learning Enrichment Coordinator
Andrea Bishop, a Teacher Aide at Northern Christian School, has been Highly Commended for her positive impact on student learning and wellbeing and her proficiency in delivering the MacqLit Program.
Andrea is held in high regard by the school community, and is involved in many aspects of school life. She works with classroom teachers to support the teaching and learning program, and supports students with their Individual Learning Plan goals. She coordinates the MacqLit Program, and collaborates with teachers and the Learning Support Team to plan, implement, monitor and adjust the program and activities for students. Students have improved in literacy by as many as ten PM Levels in one term, and as a result, demonstrated improvements in other curriculum areas.

Highly Commended
Bronwyn Burrows
Woodleigh School, VIC
Nominated by: Craig Kenner, Teacher
Bronwyn Burrows, an Education Support Officer at Woodleigh School, has been Highly Commended for her positive impact on student learning and wellbeing and her outstanding ability to empower students to re-engage with learning.
Bronwyn has worked with students from Foundation to Year 4, for 8 years. Her key role is to provide social and emotional support to students, and empower students with disability to access the curriculum. Her deep knowledge of students enables her to develop effective professional relationships, and guide students to access the curriculum despite an array of barriers, including ASD, ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia and dyscalculia. Bronwyn prioritises the needs of her students, and as a result many students have gained social acceptance and re-engaged with learning.

Highly Commended
Angela Ord
Belridge Secondary College, WA
Nominated by: Mikaela Shirley, Inclusive Education Coordinator
Angela Ord, an Education Assistant at Belridge Secondary College, has been Highly Commended for her positive impact on student learning and wellbeing and for individualised support for students with complex needs.
Angela works mainly with students with disability, and collaborates with external agencies and the School of Special Educational Needs to support students with complex needs. She collaborates with teachers to create learning outcomes that are scaffolded, differentiated, and tailored to students’ academic abilities. Angela is dedicated to her role, and engages in professional development to support student learning and wellbeing. As a direct result of Angela’s individualised support and collaboration, student learning and engagement has improved, and behaviour incidents have reduced.