3 Ways to Build the Capability of Teaching Assistants and How Schools Benefit
Rachel Hawkins, SLSO Coordinator, and Nathan Schubert, Deputy Principal, from Monaro High School, share one of the 3 strategies they use to build the capability of their school learning support officers.

Introducing ATAPS - A performance and professional growth framework
Stella Liliendal, Director and Co-founder of ATA, reveals the Australian Teaching Assistant Professional Standards (ATAPS) and demonstrates how the framework can support the performance and professional growth of TAs.

Unpacking the Career Stages and Expectations in the Australian Standards for Paraprofessional Educators
Australian Teacher Aide is privileged to be working with a committed Industry Reference Group of leading educators, from Public, Catholic and Independent schools, as well as the TAFE and University sectors, nationally, to develop the Australian Standards for Paraprofessional Educators in Schools. Leanne Hillman, one of our valued Industry Reference Group members, shares her thoughts on how the Standards will benefit teachers and teaching assistants to work together more effectively, and why we have aspired to use inclusive language.

Building Stronger Teaching Teams – Observations of Teaching Assistants in Action
Learn how you can influence your school to build stronger teaching teams.

Have Your Say: Australian Standards for Paraprofessional Educators in Schools
Claire Jackson, Inclusive Education Specialist and PhD candidate, Faculty of Education, Monash University, uses her research to provide insight into how Professional Standards can benefit teachers and teaching assistants to work together more effectively.

Using Peer Observation to Plan Professional Development
Ben Pollard, Business Manager at Beaudesert State High School, explains how to involve teacher aides in the planning of their own professional development through peer observation.

Maximising Student Outcomes at Oak Flats High School
In this fast paced webinar Jo explains how she has built the capacity of their SLSO team to successfully support the learning and wellbeing of young people with Autism and behavioural difficulties

How to Avoid Burnout - A Guide to TA Wellbeing
In this webinar, we explore your emotional, social and professional well-being, and show you some strategies to manage stress, take better care of yourself, and avoid burnout.