eTAPS Module 1 - How to Prepare for Student Learning
In eTAPS Module 1, you will learn how teachers and teacher aides work together to prepare for successful learning experiences with students. The module explores what teacher aides need to know, understand and be able to do, to effectively support learning.

eTAPS Module 2 - How to Support Student Learning
In eTAPS Module 2, you will learn practical strategies to scaffold student learning. This module explores how to break down a task, how to use explicit instruction, and how to ask students the right questions to promote deeper learning.

eTAPS Module 3 - How to Give Feedback to Students
In eTAPS Module 3, you will learn how to give students effective feedback. This module explores how to assist students progress from what they can do to what they need to learn, and what you can say and do to promote a growth mindset.

eTAPS Module 4 – How to Give Feedback to Teachers
In eTAPS Module 4, you will learn how to give teachers quality feedback that can be used to respond to students’ needs. This module explores practical strategies you can use to observe and record learning, and how the information teachers and TAs gather about students can be used to differentiate learning.