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What participants took away from this webinar:

I learnt that by making phonological awareness a priority among our students (through assessment and then maintenance and/or intervention programs), we as educators can provide the best learning opportunities to all students regardless of their placement on the RTI model. This webinar was highly informative and most engaging. Thank you. - Lorena, NSW

To start with the range of screeners in order to gather data. This will inform our instruction at all tier levels. The growth that this data shows can be used to get buy-in from other staff and leaders. Thank you, a really great presentation! - Leesa, NSW

I really love the structure of data collection and the use of colour coded results to determine what level of intervention the student needs
If I can collate data in this way, it will justify how to go forward for 1. our school, a. in classrooms, b. use of Teacher Support, c. use of Learning Enhancement & Tutors, 2. our students and 3. our parents. 
Thank you. 
Emily, VIC