Supporting Gifted and Talented Learners Part 2 – Giftedness 101

3:30pm Tuesday, 12 October 2021
4:30pm Tuesday, 12 October 2021

The recording of this webinar is available in the Professional Development library, under Inclusive Education.

Julia Bailey, principal at Rocklea State School, has a passion for supporting educators and parents of high-ability, underachieving and disengaged learners, and is a Director on the Board of the Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented (AAEGT).

In this webinar, Julia will delve deeper into the definition of giftedness and talent, and the importance of having a shared understanding (and shared language) in your setting to ensure giftedness in learners is known, noticed and provisioned for.

Suitable for parents and educators working with students of any age.


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